Meet Jordan Carroll, Founder at Remote Job Club:

In a standout episode of Default Global podcast, we interview Jordan Carroll, the brain behind Remote Job Club. Jordan’s remote work journey began unexpectedly during a snowstorm, reshaping his perspective on work dynamics.

From Netflix breaks to mastering various remote setups, Jordan’s evolution highlights the learning curve of remote productivity.

An advocate of global hiring, Jordan has enlisted over 25 international talents, seeing remote work as a conduit for connecting with global expertise while maintaining budget balance.

Based in Mexico with US roots, Jordan’s cross-cultural life informs his unique insights. His narrative underscores the transformative power of deliberate remote work, offering a glimpse into a globally connected work future.

Listen Up: Jordan Carroll, Founder at Remote Job Club — Full Podcast Episode on Spotify

Watch Now: Vit’s In-Depth Talk with Jordan Carroll

Quick Read: Jordan Carroll, Founder at Remote Job Club, Interview Highlights

The Future of Remote Work and Global Hiring: A Conversation with Jordan Carroll

Welcome back to another episode of Default Global, where we explore the experiences and insights of global-first entrepreneurs and remote work experts. Today, we had the pleasure of speaking with Jordan Carroll, Founder of Remote Job Club, and delving into his journey and perspectives on remote work and global hiring.

The Catalyst for Remote Work

When asked how he became interested in remote work, Jordan shared a simple anecdote. A heavy snow day in the Northeast United States forced him to work from home and he discovered a whole new world. He admitted that at the beginning he didn’t take it seriously, watching Netflix during work hours. However, over time, he learned to appreciate the flexibility and productivity this mode of work offered. His first taste of global hiring came from his own business, where he has hired over 25 different people outside of the US. According to Jordan, this strategy allowed him to find exceptional talent at affordable costs, making it a win-win situation for everyone involved.

The How of Remote Work

On the topic of the impact remote work is having on our work lives, Jordan emphasized that remote work at its core is still just work. The primary distinction lies in how it’s done, not where. The beauty of remote work, when done well, is the autonomy it affords and the flexibility to schedule your day as you see fit. However, this mode of work does require a different level of skill, particularly in terms of asynchronous communication and mindset shift.

Challenges for Job Seekers in the Remote Job Market

As a remote job coach, Jordan has seen firsthand the challenges job seekers face in the current remote job market. He noted that many job seekers tend to indiscriminately apply to jobs, without a proper strategy or understanding of personal branding. His advice? Stop applying and start strategizing. Understand the kind of remote work each company offers, identify companies that align with your skills and values, and focus on networking and personal branding.

Building and Leading Distributed Teams

From his experience working for diverse remote companies, Jordan learned the importance of clarity about what remote work means to an organization. Companies need to establish communication norms, training programs, and supportive policies for remote work. They also need to be patient and uphold the norms they create. As for hiring remotely, proactivity and excellent written communication are the top criteria companies should look for.

The Future of Work

Jordan believes that the future of work is undoubtedly global. Asynchronous work will become the norm, and companies will have to consider remote work from day one. He also predicts a rise in solopreneurship, with more people opting to monetize their skills on a project basis.

In his words – “I’m just going to work from wherever I want to work from, and you’re not going to tell me shit.”

In summary, our conversation with Jordan Carroll highlighted the transformative potential of remote work and global hiring. Not only does this approach offer flexibility and autonomy, but it also opens up a world of talent and diversity, positioning companies for long-term success.