How to Hire a Full-Stack Developer Remotely? Skills to Look for, Interview Questions, and More

Finding skilled full-stack developers is a challenge because they need to excel in multiple areas, from front-end and back-end development to database management and graphic design. They are versatile professionals capable of overseeing every critical part of a project, including the development of client and server software as well as designing databases. For businesses looking to hire a developer who can handle a wide range of tasks, securing a top-notch full-stack developer is essential.

Nonetheless, sourcing a full-stack developer with the right blend of skills is both difficult and time-intensive. To simplify this process, Globy provides access to the finest pre-vetted full-stack developers at a reduced cost. Globy rigorously evaluates candidates on their proficiency in various technologies, including ReactJS, Node.js JavaScript, Java, Python, Node.js, HTML/CSS, and databases like SQL, NoSQL, and MongoDB, to ensure only the best are chosen.

For non-technical managers eager to dive deeper into the technical interviewing process and understand what it takes to hire a full-stack developer, we have prepared a valuable guide for you.

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What Should You Look for in a Full-Stack Developer?

A top-notch full-stack developer should possess:
Front-end Technology Mastery

The front-end is where user interaction happens, so it’s crucial. You need full-stack developers skilled in front-end tools to craft exceptional user experiences. Ideal candidates are experts in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, ReactJS, Angular, etc.

Back-end Development Proficiency

A comprehensive understanding of back-end technologies is essential. Full-stack developers should excel in creating scalable back-ends for applications or websites, knowledgeable in languages like JavaScript, Java, Python, Ruby, and frameworks such as Laravel, Django, Apache, NGINX.

Design Fundamentals

While being diverse in their role, a full-stack developer needs more than a superficial understanding of design. They should be versed in UI & UX design principles, scalability considerations, and more.

Database Management Expertise

A deep grasp of database management is vital. Look for developers proficient in SQL, capable of integrating databases with back-end frameworks, experienced with MongoDB, Oracle, MySQL, SQLServer, and familiar with ORM libraries.

Server and API Capabilities

Knowledge in web servers and APIs is fundamental for building comprehensive web applications. Candidates should manage web servers like Apache, Nginx, or IIS, craft server-side code for HTTP requests, and adeptly handle RESTful API creation and integration with third-party services.

Version Control Savvy

Mastery of version control tools like Git is indispensable for tracking and managing code changes effectively.

Broad Programming Language Knowledge

It’s crucial that a full-stack developer is proficient in key front-end and back-end programming languages, including JavaScript, Node, React, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, .NET.

Problem-solving Acumen

Fast, effective problem identification and resolution are key. Assess their problem-solving abilities with coding tasks or projects to gauge their approach.

Design Fundamentals

While being diverse in their role, a full-stack developer needs more than a superficial understanding of design. They should be versed in UI & UX design principles, scalability considerations, and more.


How we Validate Full-stack Developers for You

  • 1
    Pre-Vetted Talent
    Selecting the world’s most vetted candidates approved by leading US tech companies and startups.
  • 2
    Practical Assessment
    Candidates undergo a 1-3 hour assessment, including live coding or relevant practical assignments.
  • 3
    Expert Validation
    Tech executives interview candidates to evaluate their cultural fit, technical skills, and communication abilities.
How we Validate Full-stack Developers for You
  • 1
    Pre-Vetted Talent
  • 2
    Practical Assessment
  • 3
    Expert Validation

Key Interview Questions for Recruiting Full-Stack Developers

Finding the right full-stack developer can be a challenge, whether you’re in IT recruitment or project management. The success of your project hinges on bringing on board developers with not just the right skill set but also significant experience. Conducting thorough interviews is one way to ensure this. Below are refined questions and insights to guide you in interviewing candidates for full-stack developer positions at Globy.

Multithreading enhances CPU utilization by allowing multiple threads or executions to occur simultaneously, supported by the operating system. This capability enables a program to handle multiple user requests or perform various operations concurrently, optimizing process management through simultaneous execution supported by the OS.

This model divides applications into three distinct layers: the presentation layer, or front-end, which is the user interface; the application layer, or back-end, which processes data; and the database layer, which manages data storage. This structure is crucial for separating concerns and enhancing application scalability and maintenance.

While completely preventing data scraping from a public API is challenging, implementing rate limiting is an effective deterrent. Rate limiting restricts the number of requests a user can make within a certain timeframe, issuing an HTTP error 429 (‘Too Many Requests’) if this limit is exceeded. Other strategies include blocking requests based on user-agent strings and issuing temporary access tokens for session management.

In JavaScript, a callback function is passed into another function as an argument and executed at a certain point within that function. This allows for asynchronous or synchronous tasks to be performed within the outer function, leveraging JavaScript’s non-blocking capabilities, especially in Node.js environments.

Referential transparency is a concept in functional programming where an expression can be replaced with its value without changing the program’s behavior. This principle supports predictable and bug-free code, facilitating easier understanding and maintenance of the software.