E-Recruitment Definition

E-Recruitment is the application of technology and the internet to enhance the hiring process. This method harnesses electronic resources, especially the web, to discover, attract, and engage candidates for various positions. Contrasting with traditional recruitment methods, e-recruitment employs digital platforms to increase speed, efficiency, and accessibility in the hiring landscape.

What is the E-Recruitment Process?

The e-recruitment process involves several key steps that organizations use to attract and hire candidates through online channels. Here’s a detailed look at each step with examples:

Job posting

Organizations initiate e-recruitment by advertising vacancies on various internet platforms, including their own career portals, well-known job boards like Indeed or Glassdoor, and social media networks such as LinkedIn or Facebook. For example, a technology firm posts a software developer position on its LinkedIn page, utilizes job boards for broader exposure, and also features the vacancy on its website to encourage direct applications.

Applicant tracking

Companies manage large volumes of applications efficiently using an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This technology automates the sorting of candidates based on specific criteria such as skills, work experience, and education, thus streamlining the selection process. For instance, if a company is looking to hire project managers, the ATS prioritize applications that highlight project management certifications and relevant industry experience, ensuring that the most qualified candidates are considered first.

Online assessments

To further assess candidates’ suitability for a role, organizations frequently employ various online assessments. These include personality tests to determine cultural fit, skill-based tests to measure professional competencies, and cognitive ability tests. For example, a marketing agency requires candidates for a digital marketer position to complete online tests assessing their knowledge of SEO and digital analytics.

Interview scheduling and conducting

Modern e-recruitment systems include tools that assist in scheduling and conducting interviews. Many platforms integrate calendar functionalities that allow candidates to select interview times that are convenient for both them and the interviewer. Additionally, the rise of video interviewing capabilities enables remote interviews, which save time and resources for both parties. For instance, a company uses platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to conduct initial video interviews before inviting final candidates for in-person interviews.


Once candidates are selected, the onboarding process begins. E-recruitment systems facilitate this by enabling new hires to complete their onboarding paperwork online. This includes signing employment contracts, filling out tax forms, and enrolling in benefits. For example, a new employee receives a link to an online portal where they electronically sign all necessary documents and watch introductory videos about the company’s culture and policies before their first day.

What is E-Recruitment in HRM?

In Human Resource Management (HRM), e-recruitment signifies the integration of technology to optimize the recruitment cycle. It enables HR departments to automate recruitment tasks, enhance communication with applicants, and reduce hiring costs. E-recruitment in HRM involves the use of specialized software that manages job postings, processes applications, selects candidates for interviews, and maintains a database for potential future job seekers.

What Are the Advantages of E-Recruitment?

E-recruitment offers numerous benefits that enhance the recruitment process for organizations across various industries. Here is an expanded overview of each advantage, supported by practical examples:

1. Wider reach 

E-recruitment enables companies to extend their recruitment efforts globally, far beyond their local areas, to tap into an international talent pool. This global reach is particularly advantageous for positions requiring unique skills or in areas with a local talent shortage. For instance, a tech startup in Silicon Valley could target software developers from Eastern Europe and Asia, regions known for a robust presence in the technology sector. This strategy not only increases the diversity of the applicant pool but also enhances the overall quality of the human resource pool, as organizations are not constrained by geographic limitations.

2. Cost effectiveness

Transitioning the entire recruitment process online significantly reduces associated costs. E-recruitment diminishes the need for costly print advertising and lessens dependence on recruitment agencies, which often charge substantial fees. Furthermore, digital tools reduce the necessity for physical space and resources typically required for conducting interviews, such as travel expenses and dedicated interview rooms. For example, a company could save considerable amounts annually by conducting initial interviews via video calls rather than in-person meetings, directly impacting the bottom line positively.

3. Quickness

E-recruitment accelerates the hiring process from the job posting to the job offer. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) automate the screening of thousands of resumes, filtering candidates based on specific criteria such as keywords or relevant experience. This rapid screening allows HR departments to quickly address hiring needs, significantly shortening the time it takes to fill positions. For example, during peak sales periods like the Christmas season, a retail store utilizes e-recruitment to swiftly hire additional staff to ensure they are adequately staffed.

4. Analysis and monitoring

E-recruitment systems are equipped with effective analytics and tracking mechanisms that provide insights into the performance of recruitment strategies. HR managers monitor key metrics such as source of hire, time-to-hire, and cost-per-hire, enabling them to refine their recruitment tactics based on data-driven insights. For instance, if analytics reveal that a particular job board consistently yields high-quality candidates who are successfully hired, the company allocates a greater portion of its recruitment budget to this platform.

5. Better candidate experience

The use of online applications and digital communication tools significantly enhances the candidate experience. Candidates apply for multiple positions simultaneously, track their application status online, and schedule interviews at their convenience. An accessible, user-friendly, and 24/7 available application process from any device not only increases accessibility but also improves candidate satisfaction, which positively affects the employer’s brand. An example of this is a multinational corporation that allows candidates to complete all necessary pre-employment documentation electronically before starting work, simplifying the onboarding process and making a positive first impression.

What are the Disadvantages of E-Recruitment?

Despite its many advantages, e-recruitment also presents some challenges:

1. Volume of applicants

The ease of applying online leads to an overwhelming number of applications, including many from candidates who do not meet the required qualifications, necessitating more robust screening processes.

2. Dependence on technology

Reliance on digital tools and platforms means that technical issues significantly disrupt the recruitment process. Additionally, the need for ongoing maintenance and updates introduce additional costs and complexities.

3. Impersonality

The automated nature of e-recruitment sometimes results in a less personal touch, which deter candidates seeking a more engaging and interactive recruitment experience.

4. Security concerns

Handling sensitive applicant data electronically raises significant privacy and security concerns, requiring robust data protection measures to prevent breaches and unauthorized access.

What are the Types of E-Recruitment?

There are several types of e-recruitment, each utilizing different tools and platforms to optimize the recruitment process:

  • Job boards: Platforms such as Indeed and Monster where employers post job openings and candidates submit applications. These boards are widely used due to their ease of access and broad reach.
  • Social media recruiting: Utilizing platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter not only to post jobs but also to engage with potential candidates, build employer brand, and even vet candidates based on their social media profiles.
  • Corporate career sites: Dedicated sections on a company’s own website where job openings are posted directly. These sites often provide detailed insights into the company culture, benefits, and more, helping attract candidates who are a good fit for the organization’s ethos.
  • Recruitment software: Comprehensive software solutions that automate the entire recruitment process, from posting jobs to managing applications to onboarding new hires. Examples include ATS systems that streamline candidate screening and ranking.

What are Common Tools and Platforms Used in E-Recruitment?

To facilitate e-recruitment, various tools and platforms are employed:

  • Applicant tracking systems (ATS): Software that automates the sorting and ranking of applications, making it easier for HR to manage large volumes of candidates efficiently.
  • LinkedIn recruiter: A specialized tool that allows recruiters to find, connect with, and manage candidates on LinkedIn, providing powerful search capabilities and candidate management features.
  • Job boards: Websites like Glassdoor and ZipRecruiter that allow employers to post jobs and manage applications. These platforms are essential for reaching a wide audience of job seekers.
  • Video interviewing platforms: Tools such as HireVue and Zoom that facilitate remote interviewing, making the process more convenient and less time-consuming for both recruiters and candidates.