In today’s interconnected world, teams are no longer confined to a single location. Companies now have the ability to hire contractors from all around the globe, including Mexico, where roughly one in five workers is currently part of the growing gig economy. Tapping into their talent and expertise is simply a question of finding the right fit for your team and hiring them in a legally compliant way.

The Appeal of Hiring Independent Contractors in Mexico

Mexican contractors offer lots of appeal to domestic and foreign organizations alike. Independent professionals here are highly skilled and offer specialized expertise in a variety of areas, including software development, data analysis, and digital marketing.

Trends in the global workforce are also driving a shift towards the gig economy model, where companies hire temporary workers to fill specific roles rather than hiring permanent employees. Forbes reports that this form of engagement is extremely popular among the Mexican population, with 14 million people involved in the gig economy. This indicates a strong pool of talent for businesses to choose from, making it easier to find the right fit for their specific needs.

Legal Framework for Contractors In Mexico

Legal Framework for Contractors

Employees and contracts may be able to perform the same work, but Mexican law views them differently in multiple respects.

In Mexico, there are clear legal criteria that distinguish contractors from employees. According to the law, an employee is defined as someone who provides personal services for a company or employer on a regular basis and under their direction and supervision. A contractor is considered to be an independent service provider who offers services without being subordinated to one specific employer.

This distinction becomes important when it comes to rights and obligations. Employees have more protection under labor laws, including minimum wage, working hours, vacation time, and access to social security benefits. Contractors can negotiate their own fees and terms of service, but because they are not formally employed, they do not qualify for the same benefits as a fully committed staff member.

In Mexico, fixed-term contracts are allowed for both employees and contractors. However, there are specific requirements and limitations set by the law. Fixed-term contracts can only be used for work that is temporary. An end date must be specified, although companies have the option to extend fixed-term contracts as they so choose.

Further reading: Work Hours and Regulations for Hiring in Mexico, Leave Policies in Mexico: Including Maternity Leave and Employee Benefits in Mexico

Risks of Mexican Contractor Misclassification and How to Avoid Them

Mexico’s specific laws surrounding contracted talent and employers are in place to protect both parties involved in working relationships. However, misclassification can still occur and lead to potential legal issues for companies.

One of the main risks of misclassification is that a contractor may be deemed an employee by the government. This can happen if the contractor’s work closely resembles that of an employee, or if they have been working for one company consistently over a long period of time. In this case, the company might have to pay back taxes and penalties for not properly registering them as an employee.

Misclassification is avoidable with clearly defined contracts. 

This looks like: 

  • A clear outline of the specific tasks and responsibilities of the contractor
  • Set duration for contractor’s work
  • Confirmation that the contractor is not entitled to any benefits or protections typically given to employees

It’s also important for companies to regularly review their contracts with contractors and update them as needed to ensure that the contract accurately reflects the current working arrangement.

Need Help Finding and Hiring Contractors?

Globy’s experts can help you find and hire top contractors in Mexico.

Tax and Compliance Considerations for Mexican Contractors

One of the biggest benefits of working with independent contractors in Mexico is simplified payroll taxes. While businesses with full-time staff are obligated by national labor laws to withhold various contributions from paychecks, as well as provide a number of statutory benefits, those that employ contractors don’t face the same headache. Mandatory deductions for social security instead fall on the shoulders of workers, who must file regularly with the country’s tax authority (SAT).

However, there are still some important compliance considerations to keep in mind when working with independent contractors in Mexico. For example, businesses must ensure that their contracts with contractors clearly define the scope of work and payment terms to avoid any potential confusion or disputes. It is also recommended to have contracts reviewed by a local attorney familiar with Mexican labor laws.

Another key aspect of compliance is ensuring that all necessary permits and licenses are obtained for the specific type of work being performed. Luckily, this is less of a concern in remote settings. 

A permanent establishment is only created when a business has a significant presence in another country. This can include an office, warehouse, or other physical location in Mexico. If a company has employees working at or from this permanent establishment, they may be considered to have established nexus in Mexico and therefore could be subject to additional taxes and reporting requirements. Remote employees work from their homes, which are not owned or operated by their employer like an office would be. 

Read more: Payroll Taxes for Employers in Mexico

Effective Strategies for Hiring Mexican Contractors

Due diligence is critical when hiring both domestically and internationally. Keep the following tips in mind to ensure your recruitment efforts are successful.

  • Post Local Listings: Target your listings on platforms like Indeed and Glassdoor to individuals within Mexico. 
  • Explore Freelance Portals: Fiver, Upwork, and other freelance platforms can connect you with qualified professionals from all over the world, including Mexico. 
  • Source Contractors Using Social Media: Social media is a surprisingly effective tool when it comes to getting the word out about a job opportunity. Use it to your advantage by connecting with communities of Mexican professionals in your industry. 
  • Conduct Skill Testing: Conduct hands-on interviews and skills tests as a way to gauge candidates’ abilities off paper.
  • Create Clear Contracts: Written contracts must include clear terms and expectations for payment, work hours, duties, and any other relevant details. It’s also a good idea to have contracts translated into Portuguese to avoid any potential issues with language barriers.

Further reading:  How to Hire Software Developers in Mexico and Hiring Employees in Mexico

Comparing Full-time Contractor Engagements: Talent Leasing vs. EOR and Payroll Services

When hiring internationally, organizations generally prefer to outsource the process to third-party agencies with experience in the country at hand.

Talent leasing, as offered by Globy, is a popular option for organizations looking to hire contractors with flexibility in terms of project duration and scope. With talent leasing, companies can access highly skilled professionals without having to commit to long-term contracts or overhead costs associated with traditional employment contracts.

One of the biggest advantages of talent leasing is the ability to avoid establishing a local entity, which can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Instead, the third-party agency acts as an intermediary between the organization and contractor, taking care of all legal compliance and payroll processing on behalf of both parties.

This is especially beneficial for organizations looking to hire contractors internationally. Without having to establish a local entity in each country where they need talent, companies can save time and resources while still accessing top talent from around the world. Globy delivers even more value to clients by taking advantage of pre-existing networks and partnerships to find the best-fit candidates for their specific needs.

Companies may also choose to work with an Employer of Record or payroll provider on their own or in tandem with talent leasing services. These teams focus on the legal, administrative, and HR responsibilities of managing a global workforce. EORs don’t always come with the connections of established employment agencies, though, which is why it’s important to enlist the help of both when hiring international workers. 

Payment Solutions for Mexican Contractors

Whether your company hires an employee or a contractor, that person will need to be paid. First comes the hurdle of deciding how much to compensate Mexican workers – which can vary greatly depending on the industry, location, and experience level. But once you have determined a fair salary or rate for your Mexican contractor, you will need to find a payment solution that works for both parties involved.

Traditional Payment Methods

The most commonly used payment method in Mexico is bank transfers. This option allows employers to directly deposit funds into their contractors’ bank accounts. However, this process can be time-consuming and may not always be reliable due to potential delays or errors with the bank.

Digital Payment Solutions

One of the most widely used platforms is Payoneer, which allows for secure and instant money transfers between individuals or companies.

Another popular digital payment solution in Mexico is Wise. This platform offers low fees,  competitive exchange rates, and even instant transfers, which are all attractive for employers looking to pay their Mexican contractors as seamlessly as possible.

If you’re hiring someone through a freelancing website like Upwork or Fiverr, payment will already be handled through the platform. Reputable sites guarantee timely and secure payments but at the added expense of fees.

Leveraging Recruitment Agencies for Streamlined Contractor Hiring

Leveraging Recruitment Agencies for Streamlined Contractor Hiring

Finding, vetting, and hiring contractors is an intensive process. That’s why many businesses turn to recruitment agencies like Globy for assistance. Existing for the very purpose of facilitating relationships between businesses and talent, Globy has the resources and expertise to streamline any company’s contractor hiring process.

The benefits are multifold. For one, there’s no need to dedicate time and resources to sifting through resumes, conducting interviews, and verifying qualifications with Globy. It will handle all of that for you through a team of recruitment specialists that is well-versed in understanding business needs and finding the most suitable candidates for specific projects.

Peace of mind is another perk. Globy thoroughly screens candidates to ensure they have the necessary qualifications and experience for the job. This reduces the risk of potential headaches and costly mistakes that could arise from hiring an unqualified contractor.

Need Help with Hiring Contractors?

Let Globy assist you in finding the best contractors for your business.


Yes, it is possible to hire an independent contractor in Mexico. However, there are certain legal requirements that must be followed, such as obtaining a tax identification number.

Workers in Mexico are typically paid via direct deposit to their bank accounts or through online platforms like Wise, Payoneer, and Deel. Employers must comply with minimum wage laws and provide employees with pay stubs detailing their wages and deductions.

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Vit Koval
Co-founder at Globy
A top Global Hiring voice on LinkedIn, co-founder of Globy, and host of Default Global. Using deep expertise in global hiring, remote work, and global business expansion to help companies excel worldwide with innovative strategies.